Saturday, October 27, 2007

The End of A Generation (Might As Well Be..)

Why do people look up to Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Lauren Conrad, Nicole Richie, and Jenna Jameson and call them their "heroes"?
I try as hard as I can to be open-minded about this. And yet I still will never understand why. "She's gorgeous, a smart business-woman, she has a great voice.." etc. etc. etc. That's not exactly sufficient stuff to me.
Usually, I could care less. But it's been bothering me lately. Granted, Nicole Richie hasn't been much of a bother (for a couple of obvious reasons), and I suppose that L.L. is getting better. But the other ones...WHAAAT?
First of all, I don't believe ANY celebrity-goes-to-country crap when they're toting around a cam crew with them unless it's for PART of a documentary that includes people who actually know what they're talking about (in other words, a non-celeb) or someone like Nelson Mandela. It's usually the "Two Facers" that I am wary of- people like Paris Hilton and Angelina Jolie (yes, I DID just say Angelina Jolie). Sometimes I feel people like them are doing it because they care, other times it really seems like they're doing it for the attention.

And this generation just seems so..well..pathetic. We seem to care more about MySpace, who's dating who, revenge, and wearing the "perfect" clothes and having the "perfect" boyfriend and being "popular".
What kind of crap is that? When will that matter in college and later in life? Just because you're popular when it comes to politics or Hollywood, it doesn't mean that people even like you! I find it sad that that's all anyone seems to care about anymore.

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